走向大自然(Walk to Nature)



Film Abstract:

In daily life, we always discover lots of flowers that grow in urban and rural area. In this film, we will discuss the change of the flowers that naturally grow in rural area and how it affect the lifestyle of human.


透過這次的拍攝,我們認識了香港大自然的新面貌。在平常的一片 石屎森林裏面, 卻因為溫暖的氣候成為一個得天獨厚的動物棲息地 ,擁有高度豐富的生物多樣性 。同時拍攝期間我們走到山上遠離煩囂嘅城市,生活心靈得到了釋放。 從山頂眺望,一望無際,天與海變成一線,非常宏偉。 最後只希望大家可以守護著我們這一片後花園。


In this scheme, we have learnt more about the natural environment in Hong Kong. Due to warm climate, it favours the grow of plants and animals. We hope that we can protect this valuable place.


導演: 郭振威 譚芷嶶
編劇:謝艶娜 江卓瑩
剪輯 :郭振威 黃慧妍
拍攝: 林家裕 郭文熹 黃勢耀 黃熹霖 黎展熹

Cast and crew:

Director: Kwok Chun Wai. Tam Tsz May
Writer: Tse Yim Na. Kong Cheuk Ying
Actress: Yeung Kam Chung
film cut: Kwok chun wai. Wong Wai Yin
Shooting: Lam Ka Yu. Kwok Man Hei Wong Sai Yiu Wong Hei Lam Lai Chin Hei


馬鞍山郊野公園 聖公會鄧肇堅中學

Shooting District:

Ma On Shan Country Park SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School

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