香港青年協會賽馬會Media 21媒體空間(簡稱M21)獲優質教育基金撥款,舉辦「青少年媒體抗逆計劃-記者培訓及實習」,計劃冀培養學生獨立思考,鼓勵他們多角度閱讀及辨析資訊,並了解新聞的製作,從而提升學生的新聞識讀能力。本計劃正招募導師,資料如下:
截止申請日期: 03-06-2021
• Candidates may be required to undergo Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC) if job duties involve frequent contact with children.
• Only shortlisted candidates will be notified to attend a written test.
• If the applicant has not been interviewed within 3 months, the application will be regarded as fail and the information will be destroyed immediately.
• If you are being interviewed but not admitted, information will be destroyed within 1 year after the completion of the recruitment process.
(The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes)
- 如職位的日常職務涉及與兒童經常接觸,申請者須提供性罪行定罪紀錄。
- 申請者如3個月內仍未獲見,則作落選論,其資料亦會被即時銷毀。
- 如獲面見而不獲取錄者,其資料將於招聘程序完成後1年內被銷毀。

(最新)到校導師、協助學生實習採訪校園新聞,包括 :
- 與學生探索採訪主題
- 前期採訪工作
- 後期製作
- 點評作品
- 定期滙報
- 大約工作40小時
- 工作月份2021年11月至2022年3月
- 新媒體特徵、閱讀新聞資訊的轉變
- 分享媒體工作的點滴
- 認識查核技巧、新媒體寫作技巧、科技與新聞的關係
- 新聞製作的技巧
- 新媒體操守
- 新媒體法規
- 新聞閱讀與分析
- 新聞採訪與攝影
- 新聞寫作
- 新聞影片剪接
- 新聞報道
- 科技與新聞關係

賽馬會Media 21媒體空間

主修科目 :
- 修讀新聞系或媒體相關課程的大學生或畢業生
- 具1年採訪經驗
- 持有新聞系或媒體相關的大學畢業或以上
- 具2年擔任主播或記者經驗
- 修讀新聞系或媒體相關課程的大學生或畢業生
- 具1年採訪經驗
- 持有新聞系或媒體相關的大學畢業或以上
- 或持有電影電視及攝影高級文憑課程

截止申請日期: 15/10/2021
- 熟識採訪、拍攝和剪接技巧
- 現職記者或曾擔任記者工作,或從事媒體工作
- 具有3年或以上之相關工作經驗
- 運用ZOOM 技巧
- 具備3年或以上拍攝新聞或剪接新聞經驗
- 具備3年或以上Adobe Premiere Pro或Final Cut Pro用戶經驗
- 盡責守時、有禮貌、有耐性、樂於與青少年溝通
- 工作坊需自行準備教材
- 操作網上教學系統,例如:ZOOM
截止申請日期: 15/10/2021

賽馬會Media 21媒體空間

- To assist in the planning, preparation and execution of New Media training programme
- To act as a liaison, e.g. participants/ trainers liaison, etc
- To manage applications, communicate with participants
- To prepare promotional materials
- To prepare evaluation reports and research
- To coordinate training activities
- Other duties as requested by supervisor

主修科目 :
- Degree holder in Journalism, Communications, Education or other related programme
- 5 years of relevant experience with project management or media industry

- Strong written and verbal communications skills in English and Chinese
- Minimum 5 years working experience in media companies or TV news departments
- Good coaching skills, global horizons and ability to navigate complexity in an innovation setting
- Previous experience as a coach, trainer or in a similar role is a plus
- Immediate availability will be an advantage
- Good sensibility of new media and Journalism
- Self-initiated and take end-to-end responsibility for deliverables
- Team player with good stakeholder management skills
- Be able to stand high pressure with wellness
- A keen learner, self-starter and team player with enterprising creativity, good research and problem-solving ability, creative confidence, an inquisitive mind, tact and programming skill to inspire learning, participation and collaboration among diverse stakeholder communities
- Experience in launching new initiatives, funding application, pitching projects; and undertaking effective project management meeting governance requirements and deliver good outcomes and impact; and with sense of urgency and ability to deliver under tight timelines
截止申請日期: 03-06-2021
• Candidates may be required to undergo Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC) if job duties involve frequent contact with children.
• Only shortlisted candidates will be notified to attend a written test.
• If the applicant has not been interviewed within 3 months, the application will be regarded as fail and the information will be destroyed immediately.
• If you are being interviewed but not admitted, information will be destroyed within 1 year after the completion of the recruitment process.
(The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes)
- 如職位的日常職務涉及與兒童經常接觸,申請者須提供性罪行定罪紀錄。
- 申請者如3個月內仍未獲見,則作落選論,其資料亦會被即時銷毀。
- 如獲面見而不獲取錄者,其資料將於招聘程序完成後1年內被銷毀。