Healthy Comic Strip Contest 2021
Healthy Comic Strip Contest 2021
Online Training Workshop and Group Competition (Primary School)


日期: 2021年6月26日 (星期六)
時間:下午2時至3時 (合共1小時)
對象:小學生 (每間學校安排3名學生參與*)
內容: - 簡介《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》
- 漫畫創作工作坊及經驗分享



Details of Online Training Workshop (Primary School):

Date: 26 June 2021 (Saturday)
Time:2 pm - 3 pm (total 1 hour)
Target:Primary school students (3 students from each school)
Content: - Briefing of COIAO
- Comic workshop and experience sharing

Group Competition (Primary School):

Each participating group shall upload entry with at least two photos showing the drawing process and participants for verification to the contest website.