Introduction to the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance ( “COIAO” ) (Chapter 390, Laws of Hong Kong)


  • 報紙、雜誌、漫畫、錄影帶、影音光碟、數碼影音光碟、錄音帶、電子傳遞的圖文及影像等,皆受該法例監管。
  • 《條例》並無規定物品在出版前須預先送檢,但出版人或製作人可自行在出版前把物品送交淫褻物品審裁處(下稱審裁處)評定類別。審裁處屬司法機構,成員包括裁判官及來自社會各階層的公眾人士。
  • 根據《條例》物品可被評定為以下其中一個類別:

    • 第I類(既非淫褻亦非不雅):

    • 第II類(不雅)

    • 第III類(淫褻)

The COIAO regulates the publication or display of articles with obscene or indecent content including material which is violent, depraved or repulsive.

  • The COIAO covers different articles including newspapers, magazines, comic books, video tapes, video compact discs, digital video discs, tapes, electronically transmitted pictures, images etc.
  • There is no statutory requirement for articles to be submitted for classification before publication. However, publishers or producers may take the initiative to submit their articles to the Obscene Articles Tribunal (“OAT”) for classification before publication. The OAT is a judicial body which consists of a magistrate and members of the public from different walks of life.
  • Pursuant to the COIAO, articles may be classified into one of the following categories:

    • Class I (neither obscene nor indecent)
      The article can be published to any person.

    • Class II (indecent)
      The article cannot be published to persons under the age of 18. It should be sealed in a wrapper. At least 20% of the front and back covers should contain the statutory warning notice. Particulars of the publisher should also be printed on the front or back cover of the article.

    • Class III (obscene)
      The article is prohibited from publication.