
  1. 參賽隊伍所提供的個人資料須真實正確。
  2. 所有與本比賽有關的評判及工作人員的家屬一概不得參賽。
  3. 是次比賽有關的活動(包括但不限於「工作坊」)為參賽者而設。賽者於活動完結後有義務呈交參賽作品。
  4. 參賽作品必須為參賽隊伍的原創作品,不可抄襲。如作品牽涉抄襲行為、曾經出版或已提交過其他比賽,參賽隊伍會被立即取消資格。參賽作品不應侵犯任何第三者之任何版權。如參賽作品產生任何版權糾紛,均由參賽者自行承擔所有法律責任,一概與主辦及協辦機構無關。
  5. 所有參賽作品將會被審查,以確保不存在色情、暴力、不良意識或商業和宗教宣傳成份,亦不會構成誹謗、脅迫、違法、猥褻、不雅、煽動、冒犯、或引起種族仇恨或歧視。
  6. 參賽作品一經提交,均屬主辦及協辦機構所擁有,不可再作修改。參賽作品如有遺失、延誤及轉遞錯誤,主辦及協辦機構概不負責。
  7. 主辦及協辦機構有權使用、修改、複製作品並放在任何媒體作宣傳及推廣之用,而無須事先取得參賽者同意。
  8. 參賽隊伍同意主辦及協辦機構公布其姓名,並授權主辦及協辦機構蒐集、處理及使用其個人資料作是次活動聯絡、宣傳及推廣之用。除以上用途外,所有資料絕對保密。
  9. 主辦及協辦機構有權對比賽內容、安排、條款及規則作出更改而毋須通知參賽隊伍。
  10. 評審團對比賽結果及名次有最終決定權,參賽者必須遵從評審團的決定,對比賽結果和獎項不能異議。
  11. 如有任何爭議,主辦及協辦機構將保留一切比賽及獎品安排之最終決定權。
  12. 參賽隊伍如須進入香港濕地公園取景拍攝,請務必遵守園內遊覽守則及香港法例第208 A章 《郊野公園及特別地區規例》。如有發現違規或違法行為,參賽隊伍將會被取消資格。遊覽守則請參閱香港濕地公園網站:
  13. 一經報名,即表示參賽隊伍接受及同意受本條款及細則約束。如違反任何條款及細則,參賽隊伍可能會被取消資格。

Terms and Conditions

  1. The personal data provided by the participants must be true and correct.
  2. All persons involved in organising and Judging Panel of the Competition, as well as their immediate family members, are not eligible for joining the Competition.
  3. All activities related to the Competition (including but not limited to the “Workshop”) are for participants only. Participants shall have obligation to submit entries after attending the Workshop.
  4. All entries must be original work of the participants and no plagiarism is allowed. Entries containing plagiarised materials, or have been published or submitted to another competition will be disqualified. No entry shall infringe upon any copyright of any third party. If there are any disputes over copyright, the participants shall assume responsibility. The Organiser and the Co-organiser will not accept any responsibility for such disputes.
  5. All entries will be censored to ensure the content contain no pornography, violence, undesirable notions, and objectionable commercial or religious propaganda and are not libelous, threating, illegal, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive or liable to incite racial hatred or discrimination.
  6. The submitted entries will become the property of the Organiser and the Co-organiser, and no revision is allowed. The Organiser and the Co-organiser shall not be responsible or liable for entries lost or delayed or error during transmission.
  7. The Organiser and the Co-organiser reserve the right to use, modify, duplicate and disseminate the contents of the work to any media channels without seeking prior consent from the participants.
  8. All participants must agree with the Organiser and the Co-organiser to disseminate their names and authorise the Organiser and the Co-organiser to collect, process and use their personal data for the purposes of identification, contact, publicity and promotion purpose. All personal information collected will be kept strictly confidential.
  9. The Organiser and the Co-organiser reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions, contents and arrangement of the Competition without prior notification.
  10. All decisions made by the Judging Panel are final. Participants shall abide by the decisions and shall not raise objection.
  11. The Organiser and the Co-organiser reserve the right of final decision of the Competition and prizes arrangement.
  12. All participants must comply with the code for visiting HKWP and the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations, Cap. 208A, Laws of Hong Kong when filming in HKWP, otherwise the team will be disqualified. Please refer to HKWP website for visitor’s code at:
  13. By participating in the Competition, participants accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Participants who are failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions will be disqualified.